Anton Suprun



I’m Anton.

I’m a software engineer, currently working at Amazon in Toronto. My focus is on data privacy. I develop authorization and access management microservices. Working mainly with Java, Typescript and AWS

Before Amazon, I worked at Nesto in Montreal, where I designed and built an AI-powered tool for automatic document verification using Go. I’ve also completed co-op terms at Wealthsimple, Amazon and PointClickCare. By some miracle, I’ve consistently had the luck of getting to work on rather exciting and challenging green-field projects; I hope this luck follows me into every job I ever have because I’m passionate about building impactful projects.

Outside of work; I was one of two engineers that worked on HouseParty, a Shopify application that grew rapidly on release amongst Shopify merchants (we acually had paying customers!) and was later acquired by Vajro Inc. I also developed TypeQuicker, a web app to help users improve their typing skills.

Recently, I’ve been interested in contributing to open-source. I’m the author of the Anki Raycast Extension and have made small contributions to jnv, a JSON viewer TUI written in Rust.

Throughout my career, I’ve worked with a variety of technologies including Java, TypeScript, Go, Ruby, DynamoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Docker, and Kubernetes.

Some programming related interests:

  • I programmed my Kinesis keyboard using C + QMK and use completely different keyboard layout than most
  • My favourite shell-based tools: neovim, tmux, fzf, git, jnv
  • I love deep diving random technologies; lately I’m exloring what’s possible with Apples Shortcuts app

Some non-programming interests:

  • Economics: currently reading Wealth of Nations (and probably will be for a while as it’s quite a dense book).
  • Learning and memory; I like using Anki for varous topics
  • Calisthetics, cycling, walking, sauna
  • Peronsal finance and investing